Thursday, 12 January 2017

Tale as old as... now

I enjoy blogging.  I enjoy sitting down and actually organising my chaotic random thoughts into some sort of order.  What I have found though is that finding time to sit down and do this has not been at all easy. To help find the time and a bit of extra motivation, I have signed up for the #edublogs club.

Why bother blogging? Isn't teaching time consuming enough?

I was fortunate enough to complete post-grad studies through The MindLab during 2016.  As part of these studies we had to complete reflective blog posts on varied topics.  What I discovered was that by actually writing (typing) down and sharing my thoughts with an audience, I had to really think deeply about what I was saying, I had to back up my thoughts and opinions with evidence.

I have come to the realisation that it is actually important to think critically about my teaching practice and pedagogy, reflecting and writing down my thoughts.  There have been many articles, books and talks about why reflecting on ones practice is important, but I have found that I need to personally see results to truly believe in its effectiveness.

Teaching is more than a full-time job.  Blogging, or actively reflecting, about your practice can take up extra time out of your precious 'non-contact' time.  It is easy to put off reflecting and thinking critically, especially when your life gets busy.  It is my aim to make more time this year to actively reflect on my teaching practice and pedagogy.  I believe this is important, I am going to set aside time every time to reflect and blog.  I will do this.  And by setting this time aside I will become a better teacher for my students.

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